Home ยป What is Flyball?

What is Flyball?

Flyball is an adrenaline-packed head to head relay race comprising two teams, a special Flyball box and a ball!

Each team consists of four dogs who race one at a time and pass through a set of gates, leap over four hurdles, trigger the flyball box to release the ball, then return over the course carrying the ball.
The next dog then leaves the starting line, relay style, and completes the same course. It’s a frantic dash against the clock while the opposing team is doing the same, with both teams aiming to complete the course cleanly in the quickest possible time! 
Each team of four dogs can have two reserves that can be swapped after each leg. An electronic timing system with sensors is used on the start/finish line to record accurate times.

The first team to have all four dogs complete the course in the quickest time wins!

Tournaments are run in special divisions based on the fastest speed of the team in a previous competition,  and arranging divisions based on speed ensures the racing is always exciting and competitive. Flyball is truly a sport for all dog types and sizes and it’s just as fun if you’re competing at a dog school, a dog park, in an indoor arena or in private. The most important aspect is having fun!

Flyball is fun and exciting for both the handler and the dog! For the handler, a big attraction to this sport is the team aspect with everyone sharing the highs and lows together and for the dogs, they can really prove their speed and skills while thoroughly enjoying the jumping and fetching.

Does dog size matter?
Not at all! In fact smaller dogs may even give an advantage to the team as the hurdles on the course are lowered to accommodate the smallest dog in the team.

Here’s a quick, 60 second beginners guide to Flyball also showing how the Flyball box is triggered:

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