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The UK Flyball League

The United Kingdom Flyball League was launched in December 2017 as an alternative to the British Flyball Association. The founding board has over 30 years combined experience in the sport and aspire to bring an alternative league for Flyball racing in the UK.

The aim of the UKFL is to build a fun, inclusive and safe environment throughout the league with all events remaining fair and consistent, catering for every Flyball racing preference whether that’s racing surface or competition formats.

Through the committee, the rules and the judges, the UK Flyball League offers all of this now and the emphasis will always be on safety, support, progression and positivity.

To compete in the UK Flyball League, dogs must be at least 15 months old and registered with the UKFL and with over 100 teams across the UK, the UKFL is a fast growing league.

Website: https://www.ukflyball.org.uk/